Corriedales at a Glance
- Corriedales possess outstanding mothering ability and are very effective maternal crosses.
- Corriedales excel reproductively and produce fast-growing, efficient offspring that meet today’s market demand.
- Corriedales produce bulky, high yielding fleeces with pronounced character and luster.
Corriedale Ewes
- are early maturing and can be bred as lambs
- possess outstanding mothering ability
- have a high multiple birth rate
- possess excellent potential for fall lambing
Corriedale Rams
- sire vigorous, rapid growing lambs
- sire lambs with good carcasses and high value pelts
- sire crossbred ewes that make excellent commercial ewes
Corriedale Lambs
- are vigorous at birth and rapid gaining
- are efficient converters of feed into grain
- have a high pelt value
- produce very good carcasses